Субтитри за Паразит: Сивото - Сезон:

Parasyte: The Grey s01e01 (2024)
23.976 | 1260 | | | Kman
Parasyte: The Grey s01e02 (2024)
23.976 | 994 | | | Kman
Parasyte: The Grey s01e03 (2024)
23.976 | 991 | | | Kman
Parasyte: The Grey s01e04 (2024)
23.976 | 979 | | | Kman
Parasyte: The Grey s01e05 (2024)
23.976 | 962 | | | Kman
Parasyte: The Grey s01e06 (2024)
23.976 | 939 | | | Kman
Parasyte: The Grey S01 (2024)
23.976 | 1011 | | | Kman